DIABOLO Project Final Conference

Date: 12 – 14 February 2019.

Location: Koli, Finland

This was a three-day event:

Day 1
12 Feb.
The National Forest Inventories towards 2020 in the Context of  the DIABOLO Project
Day 2
13 Feb.
DIABOLO – Distributed, Integrated and Harmonised Forest Information for Bioeconomy Outlooks
Day 3
14 Feb.
UNECE Forest Sector Outlook Day

Download the programme here

13 February was focussed on the DIABOLO project and each workpackage leader presented a summary of their work.

WP1. Demands for and gaps in the provision of forest information for political processes (1.6Mb)

WP2. Harmonizing growing stock, biomass and carbon estimation and forest state monitoring based on field and high-resolution remote sensing data (1.6Mb)

WP3. Multipurpose inventory of forest resources (1.8Mb)

WP4. Monitoring disturbances in European forests based on space data (2.8Mb)

WP5. Model‐based biomass supply analysis for the bioeconomy (2.7Mb)

There was a Poster Session as part of Day 1: NFI-DIABOLO posters and cocktails in the conference venue, Luontokeskus. There were 24 posters to see and discuss. All posters are available for download here (filesize is between 500 and 2300kb): Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine.

All posters are in one document here (17.6Mb).

A summary of the final conference is here (2.6Mb)