- To clearly identify the demands for and gaps in the provision of forest data and information for different political levels to improve knowledge communication and information exchange between political decision makers, forest managers and forest data providers (WP1).
- To develop new methods and models to produce European wide harmonised data and information on growing stock, biomass and carbon, based on NFI field data and high-resolution remote sensing data and to produce an innovative multi-source system for providing up-to-date estimates on the state and changes in European forest ecosystems (WP2).
- To provide a holistic analysis of the National Forest Inventories (NFIs) as multipurpose data sources and to improve the forest information availability and quality, as well as to explore the combined use of NFI and Earth observation data to improve current methods and input information for delivering indicators on forest spatial patterns and their changes (WP3).
- To improve forest disturbance monitoring systems (e.g. on forest fires, storm, drought, insect outbreaks) at regional, national and European scale by using new European satellite data (e.g. Sentinel 1 and 2), thus providing near real time information on forest disturbance and its impact on biomass and tree species distribution (WP4).
- To deepen insight into the long-term sustainability of biomass supply and trade-offs between biomass supply and other ecosystem products and services by using European Forestry Dynamics Model (EFDM) in different European countries with a linkage to a global market equilibrium model (GLOBIOM) (WP5).
- To increase the impact of the project outcomes among the target audiences and stakeholders by disseminating results, e.g. methodologies available for end-users from WP 1, WP 3, WP 4 and WP 5 through WP-specific end-user panels, regional workshops and a high-level international advisory group