
DIABOLO aims at producing better knowledge of forest resources and their ability to sustainably supply forest ecosystem goods and services as required by a broad range of relevant stakeholders. This knowledge will create new opportunities for an innovative, sustainable and inclusive bio-economy in Europe.

To deliver high impact, beyond state-of-the-art results, the trans-disciplinary research project DIABOLO involves experts from 25 European countries, in quantitative modelling, policy and social science, and national forest inventories, committed to provide new methodologies and information for a variety of end-uses within the ecological, social and economic diversity in Europe.

DIABOLO is a four-year EU H2020 collaborative project, with a total budget of EUR 5 million. The European Commission contribution is EUR 4.7 million. The project runs from March 2014 to February 2019.

The project consortium includes 33 partners from 26 European countries:

A special feature of this project is the ENFIN network. The objective of ENFIN is to promote the national forest inventories as comprehensive monitoring systems by collecting harmonised information on forest ecosystems and landscapes changes.

The Coordinator is Luke, the Natural Resources Institute Finland.